My heart is hungry and thirsty for His words. I desire His love more than anything because I know I can't be satisfied without it.
I can't go throughout a day without talking to my Father.
I feel so inadequate for this gifted life. So unworthy to be a chosen child of the King of Kings.
Why me?
I sit here wondering why God chose me for this journey.
I can honestly say I don't know and I do not understand why. I struggle with it daily. The pain, the grief, the judgments, and a new life it all seems too much.
What I do know is, He gives me hope.
In the midst of my grief, I have joy. I can't even begin to explain it to you.
While I cry, I can feel His arms just hold me tight. I know He is there.
I have peace, and it really does pass all my understanding. I have no idea what this crazy life will bring, but for the first time in my life I have no fear. I know that because God has brought me to this point, I know He can get me through anything.
I can't even begin to describe to you the passion and desire I have to share Christ.
It overwhelms me with sadness to know that many people will not celebrate with me in the hope that Christ gives us.
I can't imagine going through this without Him.
I wake up with grief, questions, and sadness.
I fail. I trust my ways are better.
I tell myself lies, thinking that I am worthless. I stare at myself in the mirror wanting my arm back so badly.
That is why I am humbled God chose me. Because He could of chosen any other person, but instead He chose me. A flawed one-armed young woman with fear and doubt, to share about a flawless God in ways many people can't.
I am able to share my story everyday.
People watch, they judge, they stare, and some even ask me how it happened . It is such a huge platform to share the awesome grace, peace, and joy that Christ gives.
In those moments God gives me the confidence to moves mountains. He gives me the words to say when I don't know what to say, or when I feel sad because of my new life.
I can't explain it.
This is not me, at all. Truthfully I don't have any desire for it to be me. I could care less if people remembered my name or what I looked like. All I want them to remember is that there is hope in this crazy life, and there is NO way you can get through it without Him.
I am so thankful. I just feel so humbled right now.
Man, we serve an AMAZING God!
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